Privacy policy

1. Owner Information

Goegevej 6
DK-2680 Solroed Strand
VAT-no: 25 90 24 59

2. Cookies

We use cookies to save your settings to make it easier for you.

We do not allow cookies from third parties.

6. Personal information

Personal information is never disclosed to third parties unless you expressly consent and we do not collect personal data without you have given us this information at registration, purchase, or participating in a survey, etc. You give your personal information at your own risk. Personal information is used to complete the purchase or service for which the information collected in connection with.

To the extent that personal information about you is being processed, you have under the Danish Personal Data Protection Act the right to obtain information on personal data can be related to you. If it turns out that the information or data processed about you is incorrect or misleading, you are entitled to claim these corrected, deleted or blocked. You can always object to the information about you amenable to treatment. You can also at any time revoke your consent. You have the opportunity to complain about the treatment of information and data relating to you. Complaints submitted to the Danish Data Protection Agency, cf.. Privacy Act § 58 paragraph.